Never ask “but what does this actually mean?” ever again.

Say hello to the last Human Design & astrology information rabbit hole that you’ll ever require 🎉

If your Human Design & astrology research has devolved into bleary-eyed information-gathering binge sessions and you’re ready to get some real answers about your chart… you’re in the right place!

When it comes to HD & astrology, information overload is for REAL. The tidbits of information that you’ve learned so far have given you major aha’s, and you KNOW that diving deeper will enable you to make big changes… but every time you try and figure out what that information means about your life, you fall down 2,076 Youtube rabbit holes… and when you finally resurface 9 hour later, you’re left exhausted thinking “well that was all really interesting, but now what?!”

Well I’m SO glad you asked!!

Jillie here!!

I’m an evolutionary astrologer, Human Design detective, and your personal co-pilot on a mission to explore and explain the mysteries of your chart in a way that actually makes sense.

If you’re ready to take a deep dive into the shadows of your psyche and get some real answers about why you’re struggling (and what you can do about it!), I’m your go-to girl and I’m here for you every step of the way!

Sign up for the free Core Wound mini-course here!

If you’re ready to start healing after a relationship breakdown, this 4 day email mini-course will get you moving in the right direction!