If “Strategy & Authority!!” has you dizzy from driving in circles, it’s time to try a different approach.

You already know that Human Design & astrology are incredible tools for introspection and personal growth.

But that’s not why you’re really here.

You’re not just looking for a Human Design Foundation Session to go over Strategy & Authority and open center conditioning.

You’re looking for someone who can dive deeply into helping you truly understand yourself: that there are reasons for your struggles, and that there’s something you can do to change them.

Learning the basics is a helpful place to start. But let’s be honest:

Having an HD foundational reading is like having a mechanic read you a list of all the parts inside your car.

Interesting? Definitely.
Useful? Debatable!

What happens when it’s time to start driving this flashy new car? Trusting your inner authority is one way of doing it, but if you want to make the most of your life, you’re going to need a driving instructor to help you know what to actually DO with all this helpful information.

Hi! I’m Jillie, your HD & astrology driving instructor.

If you want to make the most of your design, it’s time to move beyond accumulating information. Because at some point, all of the helpful information in the world begins to feel more like you’re memorizing random facts than actually putting that information to work in the world.

I’m here to share information with you… but most importantly? I’m here to listen first.

I will always start by asking YOU questions about what’s going on in your life, and together we’ll connect your real life struggles to the story told in your chart. My job is to listen to you, to share information relevant to your journey and goals, and to collaborate WITH you to take the actions that will most help you move forward.

Ready to dive deep & start understanding yourself so you can make REAL changes?

Schedule an Ultimate Answers Experience today!!